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Career Opportunities with Kids in Bloom

Do you like dancing to the baby shark dance? Do you like doing the actions to the baby shark dance. Do you like doing this maybe 10 times per day. If you do Rose, aged 4 in preschool room would love you to apply.


Do you enjoy wearing waterproofs, wellies and wading your way through puddles and mud piles in the park when we go on a trip to the forest. If you do Tyler aged 4 in preschool room would love you to apply.


Do you enjoy giving lots of cuddles to us babies when we get a little upset as we are new to nursery and miss our mummy and daddy’s. Do you also like to give our mummy and daddy’s a cuddle too as they can get upset when we start too as they get sad in a different way.if you do please apply, from Isabella aged 1.


Do you like messy play with flour, gloup, pasta, beans and play do etc. Do you not mind your lovely clean work clothes looking like you’ve decorated your ceilings at home. If you don’t please apply from Henry aged 2 in toddler room.


If so, we have the job for you!

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